💨 AwsCopilotDeployment

Deploy custom CFN Macros (Used later for copilot addons)

aws cloudformation deploy --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --template-file ./aws/cfn-macros.yml --stack-name deep-custom-macros

Create Client Stack

Get hosted zone id

aws route53 list-hosted-zones-by-name --dns-name thedeep.io | jq -r '.HostedZones[0].Id' | cut -d '/' -f 3

For staging (Replace HostedZoneId with valid value)

aws cloudformation deploy --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --template-file ./aws/cfn-client.yml --stack-name deep-staging-client --tags app=deep env=staging --parameter-overrides Env=staging HostedZoneId=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

SES Setup

For the email used for EMAIL_FROM, verify and add domain to SES.

Dockerhub authentication

We need DOCKERHUB authentication to pull base images.

To do that make sure ssm-paramter are created. Used in copilot/buildspec.yml

aws ssm put-parameter --name /copilot/global/DOCKERHUB_USERNAME --value <USERNAME> --type SecureString --overwrite
aws ssm put-parameter --name /copilot/global/DOCKERHUB_TOKEN --value <TOKEN> --type SecureString --overwrite

Backup account info

aws ssm put-parameter --name /copilot/global/DEEP_BACKUP_ACCOUNT_ID --value <ACCOUNT-ID> --type String --overwrite


Setup app with domain thedeep.io

copilot app init deep --domain thedeep.io

Setup staging first

copilot env init --name staging --profile {profile} --default-config

Setup each services

* copilot svc init --name web
* copilot svc init --name worker
* copilot svc init --name export-worker


* Load secrets (Sample: secrets-sample.yml)
* copilot secret init --cli-input-yaml secrets.yml

Deploy (Staging)

copilot svc deploy --name web --env staging

Exec to the server

copilot svc exec --name web --env staging

– Inside container –

Initial collectstatic & migrations

* ./manage.py collectstatic --no-input
* ./manage.py migrate  # Or migrate data manually.

Before deploying worker, export-worker, we need to manually change the template for now.

* copilot svc deploy --name worker --env staging
* copilot svc deploy --name export-worker --env staging

Old domain to new domain redirect

For staging

aws cloudformation deploy \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \
--template-file ./aws/cfn-domain-redirect.yml \
--stack-name deep-alpha-to-staging-redirect \
--parameter-overrides \
    Env=staging \
--tags \
    app=deep \

For prod

aws cloudformation deploy \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \
--template-file ./aws/cfn-domain-redirect.yml \
--stack-name deep-beta-to-prod-redirect \
--parameter-overrides \
    Env=prod \
--tags \
    app=deep \